Big rise in number of students helped in 2024

The Trust is providing assistance to 21 UKZN students in need this year, up from 15 last year, thanks to a funding boost from the charity’s supporters. It is around 20 years since the Trust last was able to help as many students in one year.

The backing will go to seven honours students through Trust bursaries and the Margaret Thomas Scholarship and to 14 undergraduates through book and meal allowances.

The increase has been made possible through significant giving by late alumni Guacarí Gwyneth Price and do you need a prescription to buy clomid Ralph Bennett as well as other donors committed to supporting the Trust’s work. Reports on artist and sculptor Gwyn, who passed away last year, and science PhD Ralph, who passed away in 2014, were carried in the Winter 2023-24 issue of Trust News and in the News section of this website.

The trustees hope such examples of wonderful generosity will serve as an inspiration to alumni in the UK to support the Trust’s work by giving as best you can. The need remains very great, with many students struggling with poverty, debt and hunger.

It is worth reminding readers:
• Regular giving by standing order helps the Trust by providing a reliable stream of income. If you can, please fill out and return the relevant part of the giving form that can be downloaded from the Donate page of this site – or set up regular giving via CAF’s online service using the buttons or widgets on this site
• If you are a UK taxpayer, please fill out the Gift Aid Declaration on the form, allowing the Trust to claim an additional 25p from the taxman for every £1 you donate, or select this option when giving online via CAF
• Donors may wish to consider making a legacy or bequest to the Trust in their will, in the knowledge that they will be helping make future provision for students. Do contact us if you have any queries.

** Stories on some of the 21 students being assisted by the Trust this year will appear in the next issue of Trust News, due in December. **